Friday, May 14, 2010

Night Out!

As i said in my previous blog, loneliness made me do something that i loved to do, when i was a child.. Drawing.. i am not a great artist or anything but i like to draw (but not to show anyone.. :-) ).

So i did draw three sketches and showed it to my husband when he was back.. He has seen my drawing skills ;-) before and i was confident that he will not say anything bad about it!! You would be thinking 'no husband will, who wants a peaceful married life :-)'. And his response was not different. Hmmm.. Good for him.. :-)

To be frank.. i believed, i did a great job. After all, i have invested two nights sleep in this andnegative comments and suggestions about it was the last thing i wanted!

Later when i looked into it again i could not help laughing at my drawing.. Oh my god.. any child would draw better than this!!
But its okay.. Its just an initial attempt..
I believe nobody is a born artist. Practice is the key for all art.. Yes .. Practice makes an artist perfect.

My first blog..

Hmm... what to write on my first blog?

Actually this is not my first blog. I created one around 4 years back when i was in college, but lost track of it, due to a heavy schedule, while i was in CDAC. Now a days life in Siemens is far relaxing and I always get some time for self reflection. Of course life has changed a lot from CDAC days till now, maybe i learned to separate work pressure from personal life..

Last week, i happened to be alone in my flat for 2 days.. And i was thinking ways of doing something creative.. and i remembered about my blog that i created long back.. Then i tried to trace it back. unfortunately i wasnt able to.. Even though i dropped the idea temporarily, i decided, i will start a new one soon..

So one week later, today, i have created my new blog and yes i will keep it updated with my thoughts and knowledge!!

Welcome to my blog site "Reflection Of SElf or ROSE "