Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Epiphany

It was during one of the boring Friday evening in my flat in Bangalore, that I thought about what to do on weekend.. May be we could go for a movie or some park.. Or sit at home as most likely we will end up doing..

That made me realize that something is missing in my life.. But I can't quite catch hold of it.. Or at least I pretended that I am not able to.. 

But today was different somehow, I thought I should bring change in myself and my lifestyle.. Next year I am turning 35. Thirty five!

If I don't do what I want to do now then when will I ever? There is a scene in Bangalore Days movie where RJ Sarah says to a group of kids that "what stands between you and your dream is YOU" Initially it might feel as a superficial motivational quote but, actually it touched me.. Because that is the truth. There is nobody in this world who could stop me from doing what I want to do.. I have a wonderful family which will support me in any such decision.. 
Even with this kind of support if I choose not to pursue my dreams, it will be a lost opportunity that I would end up regretting later in my life.

So I sat down, and thought about what I want to do to have a happier life? What is it that drives me? What is my passion?

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